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Office Hours

Monday 8:30AM - 5PM
Tuesday 8:30AM - 5PM
Wednesday 8:30AM - 5PM
Thursday 8:30AM - 5PM
Friday 8:30AM - 5PM
Saturday 8:30AM - 1PM

CALL: (08) 9395 7218

Dental Veneers Smile Makeover: Your Complete Guide

Dental Veneers Smile Makeover: Your Complete Guide

No matter what job you’re in or what you do in your day-to-day life, there is almost nothing as appearance-changing as dental veneers. Dental veneers can not only bring you a whole new and confident smile. A confident, white smile can also subtract years from...
Oral Health and Dental Caries: The Complete Guide

Oral Health and Dental Caries: The Complete Guide

Did you know that Australians above the age of fifteen have an average of 12.8 teeth that are either missing, decayed, or filled? That’s not all. Reports show that the number of teeth affected by dental caries or cavities continues to increase with a...
Make Your Smile Shine: How Veneers Can Improve Your Smile

Make Your Smile Shine: How Veneers Can Improve Your Smile

Did you know that over half of Australians feel self-conscious about their smile? If you’ve ever wanted to improve your smile, you might have been turned off by all of the invasive dental procedures. The good news is that there are plenty of noninvasive...
4 Reasons Routine Dental Care Is Important

4 Reasons Routine Dental Care Is Important

Can you believe that up to 16% of Australians say that they have a fear of going to the dentist for a checkup? If you experience this kind of dental anxiety, you may be wondering whether you can delay or even skip your dentist appointment altogether. However, there...
5 Signs You Should Seek Emergency Dental Care

5 Signs You Should Seek Emergency Dental Care

75% of people who seek emergency dentistry may be under the age of 24, but dental emergencies affect all Australians at some point or another. Most dental problems aren’t serious. You can wait until your bi-annual teeth cleaning to discuss the issue with your...